TMMOB Peyzaj Mimarları Odası
Peyzaj Mimarları Odası





Son Başvuru Tarihi: 24 Mart 2009
Teslim Tarihi: 26 Mayıs 2009

Web Sitesi:

The Goal of The Bering Strait Project
The Bering strait is the place where the barrier of time, space, history and ideology are revealed most dramatically. The goal of the project is to build a bridge or a tunnel bridging the gap of space and time, to lay a world highway running from London to New York, from the Cape of Good Hope to Santiago. Eventually, it aims to remove the barrier of human race, culture, religion, and nations by letting this obstructed way flow and to bring peace to the world. What the FPU proposes for the Bering Strait Project can be rephrased as an elimination of all the barriers like spatial disconnection of national borders and chronological disconnection of today and tomorrow, and thus, stepping forward to peace and prosperity for all earth and mankind.
Competition Scope
This project is a dream project attempting to connect two continents. In a wide sense, it includes building a tunnel or a bridge at both ends of the strait, extending an existing railways of the United States and Russia, and laying a world highway around the coasts of the world, which require a massive amount of construction.
Once the connection is made, the railway will go through both Uelen of Russia and Cape Prince of Wales of the United States linking the North American Rail System. A new highway will link the existing coastal highway of Uelen - Dezhnev - Tunytlino at Russia and Wales - Tin City - York at the United States.
The scope of the competition includes:
A design proposal of a peace park with a bridging structure using the two islands, Big Diomede and Little Diomede at the Bering Strait to symbolize the continuation of two continents.
An idea proposal of how to connect two continents.
The design proposal should stress out the fact that two continents are to be connected. Force of Nature divided the continent into two and the disjunction of people and nation due to this separation has been maintained for a long time.
Now two continents will be connected once again. Therefore, an entrant should express this meaning of connection in his/her work. In other words, a work should show visually and physically the link of these two Diomedes which represent the overcome of time gap and nation‘s border set by human.
The Promoter also encourages two Diomede Islands (American one in the front and Russian one in the back) various ideas for the connection and its means and method. The Promoter does not anticipate a technically and realistically perfect solution, however, certain level of a technical clarification for building a tunnel or a bridge in an extreme condition and harsh weather of the Bering Strait is recommended to be included in the design proposal.
For the reference, the connection line indicated in this design guideline can be adjusted or re-established because it is a virtual one.

Professional category is open to all licensed architects worldwide, groups of architects, or teams of multi-disciplinary professionals including urban designers, landscape architects and engineers with a licensed architect as team leader.
Student category is open to an architectural student or a team of students with an architectural student as a team leader under the supervision of a professor. In case of student participation, a copy of student ID with the name of the professor and the school should be provided.
The non-refundable registration fee is 150 USD for the professional category and 50 USD for the student category. A prospective competitor may register by inputting the required information in accordance with the registration form, and remitting the non-refundable  registration fee by Paypal.
A registered competitor will use his/her own email address as ID, and will make up a password to access the detailed competition information which will be downloadable from the official competition web site on March 24, 2009.
Professional Category
First Prize:
80.000 Dollars
Second Prize: 40.000 Dollars
3 Third Prizes: 10.000 Dollars each

Student Category
First Prize:
20.000 Dollars
Second Prize: 10.000 Dollars
4 Third Prizes:
5.000 Dollars each

- Andrei Bokov (Russia)
- Craig Dykers (USA)
- Luciano Lazzari (Italy) - UIA Representative
- Moongyu Choi (Korea)
- Sungjung Chough (Korea)
Alternate Juror: Andrei Kaftanov (Russia) - UIA appointed
Submission Requirements
Drawing Panels:Six (6) A1 size sheets. (594mm x 841mm)
Design Desc ription: A4 or letter size paper, 10 pages or less including the cover sheet.
Identification Form sealed in a white letter-size envelope with PIN number on the surface.
Signed Acceptance Form of Promoter‘s Terms.
Copy of Registered Architect‘s License or Student‘s Registration Form. (ID)
One (1) CD containing all the submission materials, including the Drawing Panels in jpg format.
(300 dpi or higher resolution image) and the Design Desc ription in pdf format (300 dpi or higher resolution image), for future publication.

Competition Schedule
10 February 2009:
Announcement of Competition
24 March 2009, 17:00: Deadline for Reception of Registration
24 March 2009: Dissemination of Design Guidelines
07 April 2009, 17:00: Deadline for Reception of Competition Queries
14 April 2009: Posting of answers tu queries on the web site
26 May 2009, 17:00: Submission Deadline
11 June 2009: Announcement of The Competition Results

Okunma Sayısı: 5170